The Acts Challenge

2 votes, 5 avg

All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and additional info. See the hints for scripture locations pertaining to that question.

How well do you know the book of Acts?

25 questions covering the book of Acts

Please identify yourself.

Acts 21:27-30

1 / 25

Where in Jerusalem was Paul seized?

Acts 8:18-24

2 / 25

Who tried to pay Peter and John for the power to give others the Holy Spirit?

Acts 13:2-3

3 / 25

Who was Paul’s first missionary companion?

Acts 28:16-31

4 / 25

In which city was Paul located at the conclusion of the book of Acts?

Acts 10:44-48

5 / 25

Who was the first Gentile convert baptized by Peter?

Acts 2:1-4

6 / 25

During which Jewish festival did the Holy Spirit give the disciples the ability to speak in tongues?

Acts 10:9-16

7 / 25

What vision did Peter receive from God before meeting with Cornelius?

Acts 9:3-4

8 / 25

On the road to Damascus, Saul heard a voice say, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting __?

Acts 1:26

9 / 25

Who replaced Judas as an apostle in the book of Acts?

Acts 24:27

10 / 25

Who was the Roman governor that tried Paul in Caesarea?

Acts 16:9-10

11 / 25

In Paul’s dream, where was the man begging for help from?

Acts 27:39-44

12 / 25

Where was Paul shipwrecked?

Acts 5:1-10

13 / 25

What sin did Ananias and Sapphira commit?

Acts 14:11-12

14 / 25

Which god was Paul mistaken for?

Acts 8:26-35

15 / 25

Who explained a passage from the Isaiah to an Ethiopian Eunuch?

Acts 3:2-8

16 / 25

What was the problem of the man that Peter and John healed at the gate called Beautiful?

Acts 23:16

17 / 25

Who warned Paul of the plot against his life?

Acts 7:54-60

18 / 25

According to the book of Acts, how did Stephen die?

Acts 19:24-27

19 / 25

What was the occupation of Demetrius of Ephesus’s? (The man who felt threatened by the Gospel).

Acts 13:6-12

20 / 25

What was the name of the Jewish sorcerer who opposed Paul and Barnabas in Cyprus?

Acts 15:1-29

21 / 25

What practice was discussed at the Jerusalem Council?

Acts 1:1

22 / 25

To whom was the book of Acts addressed to?

Acts 25:10-12

23 / 25

Why was Paul ordered to appear before Caesar?

Acts 5:38-39

24 / 25

Who said, “let them plan alone for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail, but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them?”

Acts 16:25-26

25 / 25

What did Paul and Silas do in prison at midnight before the earthquake?

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