NT Men A-Z

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Men of the New Testament (A-Z)

25 questions with each surrounding a letter of the alphabet, dealing with the men of the new testatment.

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Synoptic Gospels are about Him.

1 / 25

Who is the central figure of the New Testament, known as the Son of God?

Acts 19:29

2 / 25

During the riot in Ephesus, who was the second man alongside Aristarchus, seized by the mob?

Matthew 1:23

3 / 25

What is the name of the child in Matthew, starting with the letter “I”, which means “God with us”?

Romans 16:23

4 / 25

Who was the Christian mentioned by Paul in the book of Romans, known as a brother in Christ?

Mark 6:17-29

5 / 25

Who, in a drunken stupor, was outwitted by his wife and her daughter to have John the Baptist beheaded?

Acts 10:1-48

6 / 25

Which Roman centurion was one of the first Gentile believers in the resurrected Jesus?

John 1:45-51

7 / 25

What is Nathanael’s other name in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke?

Luke 19:1-10

8 / 25

What was the name of the chief tax collector of Jericho?

The great physician of the New Testament

9 / 25

Who was the physician credited with writing two books in the New Testament?

Acts 20:9-12

10 / 25

Which word is starting with “V” best describes the friends of Eutychus after Paul finished preaching at Troas?

John 1:44

11 / 25

Which third disciple alongside Peter and Philip came from Bethsaida?

Acts 1:26

12 / 25

Who replaced Judas Iscariot as the 12th disciple?

Romans 16:23

13 / 25

Who was the director of public works in Corinth and a member of the early church?

2 Timothy 4:13

14 / 25

Who was entrusted with Paul’s cloak and books in Troas?

Mark 15:21

15 / 25

Who helped Jesus carry the cross to His crucifixion?

John 20:24-29

16 / 25

What word best describes Thomas after he saw the resurrected Jesus?

Philemon 1:10

17 / 25

What was the name of the runaway slave who was converted to Christianity by Paul?

1 Timothy 4:12

18 / 25

Which word best describes Timothy, a worker in the early church?

Mark 10:46-52

19 / 25

In Mark 10, what word best describes Bartimaeus after his persistent cries for Jesus?

Acts 28:7

20 / 25

What was the name of the chief official of Malta who welcomed Paul and his group after they were shipwrecked?

John 3:1-20

21 / 25

Which Pharisee visited Jesus at night and was told he must be born again?

Romans 16:9

22 / 25

Who was the New Testament figure that Paul referred to as a fellow worker in his letter to the believers in Rome?

Acts 19:24-29

23 / 25

What was the name of the silversmith who incited a mob against Paul in Ephesus?

Titus 1:4-5

24 / 25

Who was the early Christian leader, a Greek convert, and the recipient of one of Paul’s pastoral letters?

Acts 24:27

25 / 25

Who was the Roman governor of Judea replaced by Festus that kept Paul imprisoned in Caesarea for two years?

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