Mid 4 Level 1

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Intermediate Level - 4A

All questions are Intermediate level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.

Please identify yourself.

1 / 25

Where were the Jews taken captive to when Jerusalem was destroyed?

2 / 25

How long did Jonah say it would be before Nineveh was to be overthrown?

3 / 25

Who did the men of Athens ignorantly worship?

4 / 25

Who was the first of the apostles to perform a miracle in the name of Jesus?

5 / 25

What happened to forty-two of the children who made fun of Elisha’s baldness?

6 / 25

In the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say would happen to the meek?

7 / 25

What did Saul see on the road approaching Damascus?

8 / 25

What did the shepherds do after they had visited Jesus?

9 / 25

Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one who returned to thank him?

10 / 25

Who went back to Jerusalem after the captivity to encourage the people to build the walls of the city again?

11 / 25

Who did Amnon love, and then hate even more than he had loved her?

12 / 25

What came out of the fire Paul made on Malta and attacked him?

13 / 25

In the vision of Jesus in Revelation, what came out of Jesus’ mouth?

14 / 25

What natural disaster happened when Abram and Sarai arrived in the land of Canaan?

15 / 25

What was Paul’s home town?

16 / 25

When was the festival of Passover established?

17 / 25

What was the name of Isaac’s wife?

18 / 25

Who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image?

19 / 25

Where did Moses first meet his future wife?

20 / 25

How did Korah and his family die after seeking priesthood duties beyond those they already had?

21 / 25

Which disciple did Paul commend for having “the same faith his mother had”?

22 / 25

How is man “tempted”?

23 / 25

Which judge was betrayed to the Philistines by a woman?

24 / 25

What was the name of Samson’s father?

25 / 25

How does the Bible describe the location of the Garden of Eden?

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