Pro 4 Level 2

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Pro Level - 4B

Only if you dare! Answers will come with supporting scriptures and no details. Good luck!

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1 / 25

Isaiah took a cake of what to heal Hezekiah?

2 / 25

Which honorable counselor was waiting for the Kingdom of God?

3 / 25

One of the Ten Commandments forbids the coveting of a neighbor’s property. Which one?

4 / 25

How long was Noah’s ark?

5 / 25

Which king of Heshbon would not let the Israelites pass through his land?

6 / 25

What occasion did David write Psalm 105 for?

7 / 25

During Paul’s third missionary journey, roughly for how long did he minister in the school of Tyrannus at Ephesus?

8 / 25

How many silver shekels did Jeremiah pay to Hanameel for a field in Anathoth?

9 / 25

How old was David when he died?

10 / 25

The disciple Thomas was also known as Didymus, but what does this name mean?

11 / 25

What did God specifically command concerning the eating of the thanksgiving offering that the Israelites made?

12 / 25

What is the first offering made to the Lord recorded in the Bible?

13 / 25

Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?

14 / 25

What was the name of the god that Barnabas was called at Lystra?

15 / 25

Onesimus, was a run away slave from which city?

16 / 25

How many horns did the ram in Daniel’s vision have?

17 / 25

What does James say “envying and strife in your heart” brings?

18 / 25

In the love poetry of Song of Solomon the lady’s hair is described as a flock of which animal?

19 / 25

Which one of the Ten Commandments was an instruction not to lie (bear false witness)?

20 / 25

Which tribe’s blessing from Jacob said they would “dwell at the haven of the sea”?

21 / 25

Jesus accused the Pharisees of hypocritically paying tithes on herbs, and omitting which weightier matters of the law?

22 / 25

In Revelation 22, who does it say has the right to the tree of life?

23 / 25

How old was Abram when he first became a father?

24 / 25

Who prayed, “I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see?”

25 / 25

In Proverbs, what metal is the “tongue of the just” likened to?

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