Titans Challenge

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 25 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Titan's Challenge

Questions are all Upper level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge. 100 questions with a 25 minute time limit. Are you up to the challenge? Can you make it onto the Leader Board? Oh, one little catch...1 wrong answer and you are done.
Good luck!

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1 / 100

In which tribe was the city of Bethlehem?

2 / 100

What is the seventh commandment?

3 / 100

In Ezekiel’s prophecy, who is said to be the “mother of Jerusalem”?

4 / 100

What man of Israel was stoned for blaspheming God?

5 / 100

Daniel had a dream about four things. What sort of things?

6 / 100

In which book of prophecy do we read about the valley of dry bones?

7 / 100

Who was to be named Zacharias, after the name of his father, until his mother intervened?

8 / 100

Which group of people stood and watched Jesus as he ascended into heaven?

9 / 100

What was Samson’s offer of reward if the Philistines could solve his riddle?

10 / 100

Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?

11 / 100

Which brother did Joseph imprison while the others returned to Jacob?

Simeon (Gen 42:24) *

12 / 100

Whose son did Elijah raise from the dead?

13 / 100

Until when did Jesus remain in Egypt with his parents, when he was a baby?

14 / 100

Which king contributes words of wisdom in Proverbs chapter 31?

15 / 100

In what month of Elisabeth’s pregnancy did the angel appear to Mary?

16 / 100

In which town did Martha and Mary live?

17 / 100

When Paul was shipwrecked on Malta how many people on the ship drowned?

1 Kings 18:4-19:18

18 / 100

I married a Jew but established worship of the god Baal. I killed prophets and took Naboth's vineyard for Ahab. Who am I?

19 / 100

In Proverbs, how shall the “man’s belly be satisfied”?

20 / 100

How many wise men does the Bible say came to visit Jesus?

21 / 100

Which book comes after the book of Job?

22 / 100

How many books are there in the Old Testament?

23 / 100

How did Adam and Eve feel about their nakedness at first?

24 / 100

What should Philemon do if his slave owed him anything?

25 / 100

Which two of the eight signs, or miracles, recorded in John, are also recorded in other gospel records?

26 / 100

Onesimus, was a run away slave from which city?

27 / 100

What event did Peter, James and John witness in a mountain with Jesus?

28 / 100

What did Jesus eat to convince the disciples that he was indeed raised from the dead?

29 / 100

Where was Jonah when he prayed to God with the voice of thanksgiving?

30 / 100

You will be healed if you “pray for one another” and what else?

31 / 100

What is “sanctified by the word of God and prayer”?

32 / 100

What is the name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom?

33 / 100

What relation was Annas to Caiaphas?

34 / 100

Which two sisters married Jacob?

35 / 100

Which book of the Bible precedes Philemon?

36 / 100

How many churches of Asia Minor were listed in Revelation?

37 / 100

Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one who returned to thank him?

38 / 100

On what day of creation were dry land and seas created?

39 / 100

Why are the Thessalonians told not to worry about those Christians who have died?

Property of Onesimus

40 / 100

This person's name means; Loving, affectionate; Kiss. Who are they?

41 / 100

What four beasts did Daniel see in a vision?

42 / 100

In Genesis, who was buried under an oak tree below Bethel?

43 / 100

About what age was Jesus when he was baptized?

44 / 100

What was the name of the prophet who prophesied that Paul would be bound at Jerusalem?

45 / 100

After being left behind in Berea, in which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?

46 / 100

“Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man”, but what shall his mouth be filled with afterwards?

47 / 100

Who prayed for the fiery serpents to be taken away from Israel?

48 / 100

When he was approached by Jesus, who said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?
I adjure you by God, do not torment me.”?

49 / 100

Where will the believers reign in the Kingdom of God?

50 / 100

Who went to sleep during one of Paul’s sermons and fell out of the window?

51 / 100

Melchizedek was a high priest, but also king of where?

52 / 100

What test did Elijah set the prophets of Baal, which failed, proving their god to be false?

53 / 100

What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer when the days of purification were complete after Jesus’ birth?

54 / 100

What prophet was suspended between earth and heaven by a lock of his hair?

55 / 100

Paul and Silas were imprisoned during the second missionary journey, but in what city did this happen?

56 / 100

Who walked barefoot and naked for three years at the Lord’s command?

57 / 100

How does James say we should “wait for the coming of the Lord”?

58 / 100

Jesus said not to “swear by your head” because you cannot do what?

59 / 100

Who is described in the Psalms as “spreading himself like a green bay tree”?

60 / 100

What did Elisha do for the Shunammite’s son?

61 / 100

What nationality was Timothy’s father?

62 / 100

In the Sermon on the Mount, what does Jesus tell us the earth is?

63 / 100

Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to Philemon?

64 / 100

Why were the Israelites afraid to enter the Promised Land?

65 / 100

What does the name Israel mean?

66 / 100

Psalm 91 verses 11 and 12 are quoted in which New Testament incident?

67 / 100

Why did Jephthah flee to the land of Tob?

68 / 100

How many concubines did Solomon have?

69 / 100

According to James, what should we do when we “fall into temptation”?

70 / 100

Who promised to give their daughters to Shechemites if they agreed to be circumcised, only to kill them instead three days later while they were still sore?

71 / 100

From which country did Solomon import horses?

72 / 100

What was the name of Ahasuerus’ new queen?

73 / 100

What relation to Abram was Lot?

74 / 100

How many years did the Lord add to Hezekiah’s life after being healed of his sickness?

75 / 100

What was the color of the robe placed on Jesus by the soldiers?

76 / 100

Jesus was a high priest after the order of which ancient king, mentioned in Psalm 110?

77 / 100

In the ritual cleansing of a leper under the Law of Moses, which animals were to be offered on the eighth day?

78 / 100

In what city was Jesus brought up as a child?

79 / 100

Who brought Elijah bread and meat to eat during the drought?

80 / 100

Why were Daniel’s three friends thrown into the fiery furnace?

81 / 100

The desolation of which city is described in Revelation chapter 18?

82 / 100

Whose twelve year old daughter did Jesus raise from the dead?

83 / 100

How did Daniel react to the vision by the river Hiddekel?

84 / 100

How many missionary journeys did Paul undertake before his journey to Rome?

85 / 100

When Peter was asked if Jesus paid temple taxes, what animal concealed a coin with which to pay the taxes?

86 / 100

When Isaiah describes the desolation of the last days, a man shall “cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, to the moles” and the what?

87 / 100

What is Jesus’ final commission to his disciples?

88 / 100

Ananias and Sapphira sold some property and secretly kept part of the proceeds for themselves. What happened to them?

89 / 100

What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar before being restored as king?

90 / 100

Where did Delilah live?

91 / 100

In Revelation, what was the wife of the Lamb arrayed in?

92 / 100

What king was killed by his own sons?

93 / 100

What animals were carved on Solomon’s throne?

94 / 100

Who succeeded Herod the Great after his death?

Acts 13:2-3

95 / 100

Who was Paul’s first missionary companion?

96 / 100

Jesus used a little child to show the futility of an argument among the disciples. What were they arguing about?

97 / 100

Which disciple was a tax collector?

98 / 100

To which tribe did Anna the prophetess belong?

99 / 100

Jesus initially sent the twelve disciples to preach to which group of people?

100 / 100

Who closed the door of Noah’s ark?

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