A New Look-Same Mission
All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.
Advanced Level - 4B
All questions are Advanced level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.
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1 / 25
Who led the people of Israel into the Promised Land?
Joshua (Josh 1:2) *
2 / 25
In which book of the Bible do we read of David and Goliath?
1 Samuel (1 Sam 17) *
3 / 25
Who was the king of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth?
Herod (the Great) (Matt 2:1) *
4 / 25
What seed did Manna look like?
Coriander (Num 11:7) *
5 / 25
Many of the chief rulers privately believed in Jesus. Why did they not confess this belief publicly?
They were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogue (John 12:42) *
6 / 25
It is “better to obtain wisdom” than what?
Gold (Pro 16:16) *
7 / 25
Which animal is associated with the first four of the seven seals?
Horse (Rev 6) *
8 / 25
What relation was John Mark to Barnabas?
Cousin / Sister’s son (KJV) (Col 4:10) *
9 / 25
With what object did Jael kill Sisera?
Tent peg (Jdg 4:21) *
10 / 25
Which disciple brought the boy with five loaves and two fishes to Jesus?
Andrew (John 6:8) *
11 / 25
According to James, what should we do after “confessing our faults to one another”?
Pray for one another (Jam 5:16) *
12 / 25
How old was Joshua when he died?
110 (Josh 24:29) *
13 / 25
Which parts of his body did Peter ask Jesus to wash, after being told that unless Jesus washed his feet he would have no part with him?
Feet, hands and head (John 13:9) *
14 / 25
What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it?
Tongues of fire (Acts 2:3) *
15 / 25
Why wasn’t David allowed to build God’s house?
Because he was a man of war (1 Chr 28:3) *
16 / 25
Which two of the eight signs, or miracles, recorded in John, are also recorded in other gospel records?
Feeding of the 5000 and Jesus walks on water (John 6:1; 6:16) *
17 / 25
How did the sailors discover Jonah was responsible for the storm?
Cast lots (Jon 1:7) *
18 / 25
When Jesus left Nazareth and began his ministry in Capernaum, what message did he preach?
Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt 4:17) *
19 / 25
Finish the proverb: “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself.”..
…bringeth his mother to shame (Pro 29:15) *
20 / 25
Who was the father of Abraham?
Terah (Gen 11:31) *
21 / 25
According to James, what should we do when we “fall into temptation”?
Count it all joy (Jam 1:2) *
22 / 25
How were the family warned that someone wanted to kill the baby Jesus?
In a dream (Matt 2:13) *
23 / 25
Whose “days are like grass,” according to the Psalmist?
Man (Ps 103:15) *
24 / 25
“Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts”, is followed by which line?
Praise ye him, sun and moon, praise him, all ye stars of light (Ps 148:2-3) *
25 / 25
Which kind of bird did Jesus say were “sold two for a farthing”?
Sparrows (Matt 10:29) *
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