A New Look-Same Mission
All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.
Advanced Level - 4A
All questions are Advanced level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.
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1 / 25
In which province was Thessalonica located?
Macedonia (Acts 16-18) *
2 / 25
What is described as a “tree of life to them that lay hold upon her”?
Wisdom (Pro 3:18) *
3 / 25
Who slept under a juniper tree after fleeing for his life?
Elijah (1 Ki 19:5) *
4 / 25
What objects did Gideon and his army use to defeat the Midianites?
Trumpets, pitchers and lamps (Jdg 7:15-22) *
5 / 25
What punishment was given to Gehazi for his greed?
Made leprous (2 Ki 5:25-27) *
6 / 25
How many missionary journeys did Paul undertake before his journey to Rome?
Three (Acts 13 - 21) *
7 / 25
How did Rahab let the invading Israelites identify her house?
She tied a red thread in the window (Josh 2:18) *
8 / 25
Who thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money?
Simon (the sorcerer) (Acts 8:18) *
9 / 25
What happened to the prophet from Judah who was led to disobey God when a prophet from Bethel lied to him saying he was allowed to come back and share a meal with him?
Killed by a lion (1 Ki 13:24) *
10 / 25
Who had a slave named Onesimus?
Philemon (Phm 1:10-11) *
11 / 25
Which is the shortest Psalm?
Psalm 117 (Ps 117) *
12 / 25
Which judge unknowingly vowed his daughter to the Lord as a burnt offering?
Jephthah (Jdg 11:30-40) *
13 / 25
What did God tell the people not to eat after the flood?
Blood (Gen 9:4) *
14 / 25
Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?
Gabriel (Dan 8:16) *
15 / 25
In Revelation, how many people from each tribe were “sealed”?
12,000 (Rev 7:5-8) *
16 / 25
Who was the goddess of the Ephesians?
Diana (Artemis) (Acts 19:28) *
17 / 25
What god did the Philistines offer sacrifices to?
Dagon (Jdg 16:23) *
18 / 25
Which king helped Solomon with his building projects?
Hiram, King of Tyre (1 Ki 7:13) *
Agag, King of the Amorites
19 / 25
How many volunteer soldiers did Gideon have initially?
32,000 (Jdg 7:3) *
20 / 25
What was Timothy advised to take to help with his illnesses?
Wine (1 Tim 5:23) *
21 / 25
What relation was John Mark to Barnabas?
Cousin / Sister’s son (KJV) (Col 4:10) *
22 / 25
What will Jesus “drink new in the Kingdom of God”?
The fruit of the vine (Matt 26:29) *
23 / 25
How did the townspeople regard Ruth?
As a virtuous (worthy) woman (Ruth 3:11) *
24 / 25
Who sat down under a tree and asked the Lord to take away his life?
Elijah (1 Ki 19:4) *
25 / 25
God appeared to Jacob on the way to Egypt in a vision at Beer-sheba, but what did he tell him?
Don’t fear going to Egypt, he would be made into a great nation there (Gen 46:3) *
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