A New Look-Same Mission
All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.
Advanced Level - 1B
All questions are Advanced level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.
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1 / 25
What lie was told about Naboth that led to him being stoned and Ahab taking possession of his vineyard?
He had blasphemed against God and the king (1 Ki 21:10) *
2 / 25
To which Jewish sect did Nicodemus belong?
Pharisees (John 3:1) *
3 / 25
Demetrius, of Ephesus was a...?
Silversmith (Acts 19:24) *
4 / 25
Which book of the Bible follows Jonah?
Micah (Jon 4:11 - Mic 1:1) *
5 / 25
What was the name of the temple gate at which the lame man was laid daily?
Beautiful Gate (Acts 3:2) *
6 / 25
Which baby was named after his mother’s laughter?
Isaac (Gen 21:6 / Strong’s H3327) *
7 / 25
On which day of the year could the High Priest enter the Holiest Place, the inner most part of the temple where the covenant box was kept?
Day of Atonement (Lev 16) *
8 / 25
In what town did Jesus turn water into wine?
Cana (John 2:1-11) *
9 / 25
The southern kingdom of divided Israel eventually fell, but to which great power?
Babylon (2 Ki 25) *
10 / 25
In which book of prophecy do we read about the valley of dry bones?
Ezekiel (Eze 37:1) *
11 / 25
What is the first recorded dream of Joseph, son of Jacob?
Sheaves of wheat bowing down to other sheaves (Gen 37:5-7) *
12 / 25
What was the sign that the angels gave to the shepherds, so that they would recognize Jesus?
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger (Luke 2:12) *
13 / 25
What is in the hypocrite’s eye?
A beam (Matt 7:5) *
14 / 25
What “doeth good like a medicine”?
A merry heart (Pro 17:22) *
15 / 25
During what traumatic event did the apostle Paul take bread and give thanks?
Sea voyage (Acts 27:35) *
16 / 25
You will be healed if you “pray for one another” and what else?
Confess your faults (Jam 5:16) *
17 / 25
Who was to be named Zacharias, after the name of his father, until his mother intervened?
John the Baptist(Luke 1:60) *
18 / 25
Who won the hand of Caleb’s daughter, Achsah?
Othniel (Josh 15:16-17) *
19 / 25
What is the “light of the body”?
The eye (Matt 6:22) *
20 / 25
Which supernatural being or beings does the Bible say the Sadducees did not believe in?
Angels (Acts 23:8) *
21 / 25
To which tribe did the apostle Paul belong?
Benjamin (Rom 11:1) *
22 / 25
What was God to give Abraham as an everlasting possession?
The land of Canaan (Gen 17:8) *
23 / 25
Which man killed a lion with his bare hands?
Samson (Jdg 14:5-6) *
24 / 25
How long had the infirm man lain at the pool of Bethesda?
Thirty-eight years (John 5:5) *
25 / 25
What inscription was on the altar in Athens?
To the Unknown God (Acts 17:23) *
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