About Us

We are based on Biblical and Apostolic teachings. We do not hate anyone; and by the same token we will not tolerate any hate from anyone else. Do not mistake Truth and Hate as being equal for it is not.

Feel free to share scriptures; prayer requests; or whatever God may put on your heart to share.

Aleph to Omega means (Beginning -Hebrew- 2 End -Greek). This concept is to combine the total Christian experience from the Old through New Testament and the number 2 represents the pouring out of God’s spirit to all people, thus unifying the Hebrew and the Greek (Aleph 2 Omega). Pray for us as we step forward into new ground.

A2O is about the entire community of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We technically do not report to one governing body and are made up of many coverings due to our diverse stewardship. But whoever is our “covering”, their covering is the true and living God and therefore we are all ministers of His church, the church of truth (Evangelist James Moss Jr.).

In the spirit of One Body; we welcome you! Let love, peace, joy, and righteousness find you here! God Bless each and every one of you individually and collectively. The Harvest is Ripe!