In this day and time we are finding that more and more, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being subjected to exploitation. There appears to be a rash of “prophets” and “apostles” appearing out of nowhere. Everyone has a “divine” word from God! Many of these people prey on the despair of those who have exhausted all resources of hope. Social media is flooded with countless videos of prophetic words being uttered to deliver people from demons that are hampering their quality of life. Finances, relationships, marriages, careers, and so forth are the tools of the trade.
“God is going to deliver you. But first you are going to have to do something to earn God’s favor!” Lines such as this are echoed across the internet. The people that use such verbiage could care less about being called out by a true believer. They know that this message will reach someone who is desperate enough to just give it a shot! The promise that they can see and deliver you from a demon that is blocking your blessing is a formidable tool in the arsenal against the unlearned. But to call it out for what it really is; mass hysteria evolves. Why do I say this? Simply stated, many people want something simple, uncomplicated, and requires little of them to benefit from. They crave an “Easy Jesus” approach.
Before I proceed let me be clear about something here. YES! Emphatically YES! There is such a thing as “Deliverance Ministry.” Let me give you an example. Deliverance ministry first of all comes without a price tag. True Ministers of the Gospel (regardless of title), seek to see a true move of God in the lives of people. These ministers know that God cannot be bought, especially with “man-made” money or goods. Deliverance Ministry is not always about demons being glorified for your despair, or importunity. A lot of times, deliverance ministry simply requires an opening of the understanding of why a person may struggle with some things in their lives, and offer an alternative way of handling their day to day issues. Yes, the casting out of demons in certain situations are also part of a deliverance ministry, however, the greater piece is the re-education of God’s will and purpose in our lives. As the reader of this message, you owe it to yourself to understand this very simple concept of what “deliverance ministry” truly is.
So now that we’ve basically identified what a deliverance ministry is, it should also point out what is not! Things that require you to commit to any form of payment is not of God. If it is requested of you to get into a line for a blessing according to a dollar amount, or to give a certain amount of money for a prophetic word from God, or vow any form of payment; it is witchcraft! Read it again if you are confused.
True churches of today are working with people to teach the true meaning of healing and deliverance in their lives. We live daily for deliverance of something that is awry in our lives. This is why we are urged to seek God with all of our hearts and all of our being. This is why the Apostle Paul let’s us know that he had to “die” daily. The meaning is that he had become knowledgeable of the fact that everyday because of the sheer fact that he was human, meant that he was subject to being flawed. The more that he learned about being flawed, the more that he learned that he had to take a stand and deny the things in his character that would allow these flaws to flourish.
So, now ask yourself this; do my church “really” have a deliverance ministry? You may find that there are some out there that are either going through the motions, or are truly devoted to the cause.