If You Dare

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Only If You Dare

Questions are all Upper level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge. 50 questions with a 15 minute time limit. Are you up to the challenge? Can you make it onto the Leader Board?

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1 / 50

Which two men hid in a well to save their lives?

2 / 50

What two kings disguised themselves before going into battle, and were both slain by archers?

3 / 50

What was the name of Aaron’s (Moses’s brother) wife?

4 / 50

Prior to raising Eutychus from the dead, Paul preached a lengthy sermon. At what hour did he end his sermon?

5 / 50

By whom were the children of Israel carried captive into Assyria?

6 / 50

Which of the prophets was carried captive to Babylon?

7 / 50

What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?

8 / 50

What prophet foretold the result of the ten tribes of Israel?

9 / 50

Who was in command of the largest army recorded in the Bible?

10 / 50

What man of Israel was stoned for blaspheming God?

11 / 50

"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" Who was this message for?

12 / 50

John the Baptist baptized Jesus, but who did Jesus baptize?

13 / 50

Of which person who was not of Abraham’s seed did God say, “I will make him a great nation?”

14 / 50

What was the name of the king of Judah who had his eyes put out and then was imprisoned for life?

15 / 50

"Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani" Translated as "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me" as uttered by Jesus on the cross is from which language?

16 / 50

With whom did our Savior spend his last Sabbath?

17 / 50

Who was the first recorded person raised from death to life?

18 / 50

What woman upon the death of her son, the king of Judah, murdered her grandchildren and usurped the kingdom?

19 / 50

Who was the first Christian convert in Europe?

20 / 50

Who was made king of Judah at seven years of age after having been hidden for six years?

21 / 50

Who was the chief of the three mighty men of David?

22 / 50

What other nation besides Israel is to be scattered to every people?

23 / 50

When Saul was pursuing David, in which cave did David seek refuge?

24 / 50

Who was punished with death for touching the ark of God?

25 / 50

What man, although warned, invited his murderer to a feast?

26 / 50

What is the name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom?

27 / 50

The destruction of Nineveh was the fulfillment of whose prophecy?

28 / 50

Who partook of a meal prepared by an angel, and was sustained forty days and nights while in the mountain?

29 / 50

What king of Judah was overtaken by an invading army and had his eyes put out?

30 / 50

What were Solomon’s other names?

31 / 50

What is the meaning of Jehovah Shammah?

32 / 50

What king was killed by his own sons?

33 / 50

On what three occasions are we expressly told that Jesus wept?

34 / 50

What king of Israel followed heathen practices by burning his children in the fire?

35 / 50

Who delivered Israel by killing 600 Philistines with an ox goad?

36 / 50

How long were the children of Israel in Egypt?

37 / 50

What was the total number of the children of Israel that went down to Egypt?

38 / 50

When was the Sabbath first instituted, and by whom was it observed?

39 / 50

What book of the Bible was written without explicitly mentioning the name of God?

40 / 50

What city was taken by stratagem and burned, with 12,000 women and children?

41 / 50

What was the first prophecy?

42 / 50

What king was on the throne of Judah when he was only eight years old?

43 / 50

What queen of Bible times is described by the epithet “that wicked woman”?

44 / 50

What prophet was suspended between earth and heaven by a lock of his hair?

45 / 50

How many cities were given to the Levites for their use?

46 / 50

How long did the children of Israel journey in the wilderness of Shur before they found water?

47 / 50

What king did God smite with leprosy?

48 / 50

Who lost their lives for using “strange” fire?

49 / 50

What Athenian judge was converted under Paul’s preaching?

50 / 50

What king was guilty of idolatry in making two golden calves and commanding the people to worship them?

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