Daily Quiz Challenge

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Daily Challenge Quiz

Questions are Beginner and Intermediate level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge. 50 questions with a 15 minute time limit. Are you up to the challenge?

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1 / 50

What punishment was Zacharias given for not believing the angel?

2 / 50

With what was Jesus’ side pierced?

3 / 50

In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd count safely into the fold?

4 / 50

How did Judas betray Christ?

5 / 50

How many books are there in the New Testament?

6 / 50

Ananias and Sapphira sold some property and secretly kept part of the proceeds for themselves. What happened to them?

7 / 50

Peacocks were imported by which king of Israel?

8 / 50

Who was Jacob’s grandfather?

9 / 50

Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to Philemon?

10 / 50

Which book of the Bible precedes Philemon?

11 / 50

Which prophet is recorded as having an earnest prayer for no rain answered?

12 / 50

What happened to Jonah after he was thrown overboard?

13 / 50

Where did Moses first meet his future wife?

14 / 50

Where is the “best place to pray”?

15 / 50

What was Jesus’ first miracle?

16 / 50

What is “sin”?

17 / 50

When Paul was shipwrecked on Malta how many people on the ship drowned?

18 / 50

Who lied to God when he was asked where his brother was?

19 / 50

What affliction did Hannah suffer from, that allowed Peninnah to provoke her?

20 / 50

The desolation of which city is described in Revelation chapter 18?

21 / 50

Which Psalm contains the line, “He leads me beside the still waters”?

22 / 50

Which of his wives did Jacob love the most?

23 / 50

Who ran from Mount Carmel to Samaria faster than Ahab could drive his chariot?

24 / 50

What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?

25 / 50

What is the last book of the New Testament?

26 / 50

On what island was John when he was given the vision of Revelation?

27 / 50

What were the names of Elimelech’s two sons?

28 / 50

Until when did Jesus remain in Egypt with his parents, when he was a baby?

29 / 50

Which disciple wanted to see the imprint of the nails before he would believe?

30 / 50

Where was Jonah when he prayed to God with the voice of thanksgiving?

31 / 50

How many people were saved in the ark?

32 / 50

What relation was Jacob to Abraham?

33 / 50

What did God initially give man to eat?

34 / 50

What did God breathe into Adam’s nostrils?

35 / 50

In the parable of the Sower, what does the seed represent?

36 / 50

Who said, “Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased”?

37 / 50

What does the name Abraham mean?

38 / 50

What was the covenant between God and Noah?

39 / 50

What does James say happens if we “draw nigh to God”?

40 / 50

In the Lord’s Prayer, what follows the line, “Hallowed be thy name”?

41 / 50

Which city was the letter to Philemon written from?

42 / 50

Where did Jesus find Zacchaeus, the tax collector?

43 / 50

What is “friendship with the world”, according to James?

44 / 50

Where did Jonah go after being thrown overboard and reaching dry land?

45 / 50

Who was appointed to replace Judas Iscariot as a disciple?

46 / 50

Who went back to Jerusalem after the captivity to encourage the people to build the walls of the city again?

47 / 50

What was the name of Ruth’s great-grandson?

48 / 50

Why did Jesus say we should not “judge people”?

49 / 50

How does James say we should “treat the rich and the poor”?

50 / 50

Out of the ten lepers who Jesus healed, how many came back to say thank you?

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The average score is 80%



Thank you for taking our quiz on Pro Level 3. We truly hope that you did well. If you did not do as well as you thought you would, hopefully this quiz will inspire you to take your studies to a new level.

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