A New Look-Same Mission
All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.
Advanced Level - 5A
All questions are Advanced level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.
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1 / 25
How many of Nineveh’s inhabitants could not “discern their left hand from their right hand”?
120,000 (Jon 4:11) *
2 / 25
Which animal did the ten spies liken themselves to, when compared to the people of the land of Canaan?
Grasshoppers (Num 13:33) *
3 / 25
What happened when the third vial of wrath was poured on the earth?
The rivers and fountains of waters became blood (Rev 16:4) *
4 / 25
Who did Paul heal at Lystra?
A lame man (Acts 14:8) *
5 / 25
After Pilate found no guilt in Christ, for what reason did the Jews say that Jesus should die?
He claimed to be the Son of God (John 19:7) *
6 / 25
According to the Book of Proverbs, what is “bound in the heart of a child”?
Foolishness (Pro 22:15) *
7 / 25
In a parable told by Jesus, two men went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and who else?
Publican (tax collector) (Luke 18:10) *
8 / 25
On which day of the creation did God create trees and plants?
Third (Gen 1:11-13) *
9 / 25
How did Paul escape from Damascus?
In a basket down the city wall (Acts 9:23-25) *
10 / 25
God calls us to a life of holiness, but according to Thessalonians what are we told we are doing if we ignore this advice?
Despising God (1 Th 4:7-8) *
11 / 25
On which island did Paul preach on his first missionary journey?
Cyprus (Acts 13:4) *
12 / 25
Why did Jephthah flee to the land of Tob?
He was illegitimate and his brothers drove him out (Jdg 11:1-3) *
13 / 25
What was Samson’s offer of reward if the Philistines could solve his riddle?
Clothing (Jdg 14:12) *
14 / 25
Who was the father of Saul?
Kish (1 Sam 14:51) *
15 / 25
How old was Josiah when he became king of Judah?
Eight (2 Ki 22:1) *
16 / 25
Which men murdered the Levite’s concubine?
The men of Gibeah (Jdg 19:15-28) *
17 / 25
What did the chief priest and Pharisees give Judas to enable him to help arrest Jesus?
A band of men and officers (John 18:3) *
18 / 25
How many sons did Gideon have?
Seventy (Jdg 8:30) *
19 / 25
What did the mighty angel throw into the sea that represented the throwing down of Babylon?
A stone like a great millstone (Rev 18:21) *
20 / 25
What was the name of Abigail’s first husband?
Nabal (1 Sam 25:3) *
21 / 25
Why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said, “You cannot serve God and Mammon”?
They were covetous (loved money) (Luke 16:13-14) *
22 / 25
On what type of stone were the twelve children of Israel to have their names engraved, as part of the High Priest’s garments?
An onyx stone (Exo 28:9) *
23 / 25
Where did the hypocrites “love to pray”?
Standing in synagogues and on street corners (Matt 6:5) *
24 / 25
Who were the first two disciples to be called?
Simon (Peter) and Andrew (Matt 4:18-19) *
25 / 25
What sin did Achan commit?
Theft (Josh 7:1) *
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