Advanced 2 Level 1

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Advanced Level - 2A

All questions are Advanced level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.

Please identify yourself.

1 / 25

What question concerning marriage did the Pharisees use to tempt Jesus?

2 / 25

Which King took possession of Naboth’s vineyard?

3 / 25

For how many days did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection?

4 / 25

Which tribe of Israel received no inheritance of land?

5 / 25

In the parable of the cloth and wine, why does no man put new wine into old bottles?

6 / 25

Which missionary was described as having “known the holy scriptures from an early age”?

7 / 25

Who did Paul write a letter to concerning his slave Onesimus?

8 / 25

In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream what happened to destroy the statue made from different metals?

9 / 25

How many churches of Asia Minor were listed in Revelation?

10 / 25

What is the “root of all evil”?

11 / 25

What did Jesus and the disciples have for breakfast when Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection by the Sea of Tiberias?

12 / 25

What affliction did Paul strike Elymas the sorcerer down with?

13 / 25

How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born?

14 / 25

What animals were carved on Solomon’s throne?

15 / 25

What object did Gideon place on the ground to receive a sign from God?

16 / 25

How does James say we should “wait for the coming of the Lord”?

17 / 25

In which city in Judah did Cyrus tell the Israelites to build the temple?

18 / 25

“The blessed man will be like a tree planted by”. what?

19 / 25

What does the law say to do when you see a bird in its nest?

20 / 25

In the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, what did the Pharisee thank God for?

21 / 25

How does Paul tell us to “work out our own salvation”?

22 / 25

Why did Moses’ hand become leprous?

23 / 25

In which city did King Herod live at the time of Jesus’ birth?

24 / 25

Who was Boaz a kinsman of?

25 / 25

How many times did Jesus say you should forgive your brother when he sins against you?

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