Mid 5 Level 2

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Intermediate Level - 5B

All questions are Intermediate level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.

Please identify yourself.

1 / 25

Which book of the Bible begins with “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.”?

2 / 25

What service did Nehemiah perform for King Artaxerxes?

3 / 25

Who prayed for the fiery serpents to be taken away from Israel?

4 / 25

Jephthah made a vow to God, with what effect on his daughter?

5 / 25

Why did the kinsman not want to marry Ruth?

6 / 25

Peacocks were imported by which king of Israel?

7 / 25

Which two Old Testament characters appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration?

8 / 25

What did the prophet Micah say about Jesus’ birth?

9 / 25

Who did Mary suppose Jesus to be at first after the resurrection?

10 / 25

What punishment was Zacharias given for not believing the angel?

11 / 25

What killed the plant that God had provided Jonah for shade?

12 / 25

When Jesus died, for how long was there darkness over the land?

13 / 25

Who went up yearly to worship God in Shiloh, and one year prayed to God for a baby?

14 / 25

Who became nurse to Ruth’s son?

15 / 25

What did John do with the little book he took from the angel?

16 / 25

What is the next line of the Lord’s Prayer after “Give us this day our daily bread...”?

17 / 25

Who persuaded Delilah to betray Samson?

18 / 25

Which direction did the scorching wind upon Jonah come from?

19 / 25

How did Jesus reveal the one who would betray him?

20 / 25

How many times did Samson lie about his source of strength to Delilah?

21 / 25

What relation was Jacob to Abraham?

22 / 25

What did Abigail prevent David from doing to Nabal?

23 / 25

According to the law, why could the Israelites not eat blood?

24 / 25

Why did Boaz allow Ruth to glean in his field?

25 / 25

Which married couple did Paul become friends with at Corinth?

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