A New Look-Same Mission
All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.
Intermediate Level - 3B
All questions are Intermediate level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.
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1 / 25
The name of the Lord is like what place of safety?
A strong tower (Pro 18:10) *
2 / 25
Why did Jesus say we should not “judge people”?
So that we are not judged (Matt 7:1) *
3 / 25
What did God initially give man to eat?
Plants and Fruit (Gen 2:9,16) *
4 / 25
What was Noah’s ark made out of?
Gopher (cypress) wood (Gen 6:14) *
5 / 25
Whose mother-in-law did Jesus heal?
(Simon) Peter’s (Matt 8:14-15) *
6 / 25
Which king in the Old Testament built the first temple in Jerusalem?
Solomon (2 Chr 3:1) *
7 / 25
Who brought Elijah bread and meat to eat during the drought?
Ravens (1 Ki 17:4) *
8 / 25
Who wrote the book of Acts?
Luke (Acts 1:1 (cf Luke 1:3) *
9 / 25
When Peter was asked if Jesus paid temple taxes, what animal concealed a coin with which to pay the taxes?
Fish (Matt 17:27) *
10 / 25
What did the crew of the ship Jonah was on do once the storm had ceased?
They made sacrifices to God (Jon 1:16) *
11 / 25
In which city was David’s throne over Israel?
Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:5) *
12 / 25
How did Moses command the Red Sea to divide so the Israelites could cross over?
He lifted up his rod and stretched his hand over the sea (Exo 14:16,21) *
13 / 25
Where was Jonah when he prayed to God with the voice of thanksgiving?
In the fish’s belly (Jon 2:9) *
14 / 25
What happened to the prison keeper and his family after finding Paul and Silas released from their chains?
They believed and were baptized (Acts 16:33) *
15 / 25
Which city did David pray for the peace of?
Jerusalem (Ps 122:6) *
16 / 25
What event did Peter, James and John witness in a mountain with Jesus?
Transfiguration (Matt 17:1) *
17 / 25
What disease did the Lord send upon Miriam?
Leprosy (Num 12:10) *
18 / 25
Which apostle was a Pharisee?
Paul (Acts 23:6) *
19 / 25
The desolation of which city is described in Revelation chapter 18?
Babylon (Rev 18:2) *
20 / 25
Which bird does Jesus say we have more value than?
Sparrow (Matt 10:31) *
21 / 25
How old was Moses when he died?
120 (Deut 34:7) *
22 / 25
With what was Jesus’ side pierced?
Spear (John 19:34) *
23 / 25
How many people were saved in the ark?
Eight (1 Pe 3:20) *
24 / 25
In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream what did the different metals of the statue represent?
Kingdoms of the world (Dan 2:37-44) *
25 / 25
What did Jesus say when the Pharisees asked why he ate with publicans and sinners?
They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. (Matt 9:11-12) *
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