Mid 1 Level 1

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All answers are multiple choice. You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Each answer will show the correct answer and scripture info. Hints are not available for these questions.

Intermediate Level - 1A

All questions are Intermediate level. Some may pose a little bit of a challenge.

Please identify yourself.

1 / 25

To what preservative does the Lord compare his disciples?

2 / 25

“Hate stirs up strife”, but what does love cover?

3 / 25

Who preached, “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”?

4 / 25

Why did Solomon turn away from God when he was old?

5 / 25

Which female judge described herself as “a mother in Israel”?

6 / 25

In prison, for whom did Joseph interpret dreams?

7 / 25

Who was Bathsheba’s first husband?

8 / 25

What was the name of James’ and John’s father?

9 / 25

According to Peter, what “covers a multitude of sins”?

10 / 25

In the New Jerusalem where are the names of the twelve tribes written?

11 / 25

What bird did God provide to the Israelites for meat in the wilderness?

12 / 25

How often was the year of the Lord’s release?

13 / 25

Which river was Naaman told to wash in to rid himself of leprosy?

14 / 25

Why were Daniel’s three friends thrown into the fiery furnace?

15 / 25

What miracle had Jesus performed when he said, “It is I; be not afraid”?

16 / 25

Which tribe of Israel looked after the religious aspects of life?

17 / 25

What is the “chorus” in Psalm 136 which is repeated in every verse?

18 / 25

After the angels had announced the birth of Christ and left the shepherds, what did the shepherds do?

19 / 25

Who closed the door of Noah’s ark?

20 / 25

What was Jesus’ first miracle?

21 / 25

Who spotted Moses in the Nile placed in an ark of bulrushes?

22 / 25

In what city was Jesus brought up as a child?

23 / 25

What did Jesus say the sellers had turned his house of prayer into?

24 / 25

Out of the ten lepers who Jesus healed, how many came back to say thank you?

25 / 25

Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to Philemon?

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